AT 10 AM Join us Sundays at 10 am in the Sanctuary or via live streaming or watch our service on your own time on YouTube.
PEACE KIDS Each Sunday at 10:00 am, join us as we launch our NEW program. We are very excited to share it with you! There will be games, stories, movies, crafts and even some adventures as we all grow in spiritual education! Hope to see you there! |
THURSDAYS AT 7 PM Join our Director of Music, Meghan Bunce and our choir for practice each Thursday at 7 pm.
Thank you to everyone from our church family and outside our church family who continue to provide 12" square crocheted and knitted squares for our Peace Prayer Afghans. The squares are collected and put together 4 by 4, blessed and given to individuals who are going through a difficult time. Our afghans have travelled far across the country to family and friends with our thoughts and prayers.
A wonderful group of volunteers meet to make quilts which are given to those who served in Afghanistan, their families, or someone who is a firefighter or a family member of a fighter. This work is dedicated in loving memory of Pte. Tyler Todd, a young area resident who was not only a volunteer firefighter, but who also made the ultimate sacrifice while serving this Country in combat in Afghanistan in April of 2010. If you are interested in participating, come out and join the group from 2-4 pm on the second Monday of each month.
Top - Friendship Room (small meeting room) Middle - Church Hall Bottom - Kitchen We love to see the church being enjoyed by the community. We only ask for a donation, the amount of which is entirely up to you. For full details please check out the FACILITY RENTAL page.